Friday, 29 October 2010

The variablility of skills

Gareth writes such beautiful poetry.

I like admiring the skills he has that i don't possess. I admire the skills he has immeasurably more than the skills of my friends. He is my partner, my 'other half', the future father of our children; therefore the skills of manipulating language, musical ability and quiet patience are all things which will be passed onto our children.

I find it puzzling that some things come so natuarally to some and not to others, how the world can be viewed in completely different ways by different people. Puzzled even though i can try to explain the reasons why with science.

I suppose our brains are complicated, that the positions of the billions of neurons are really important, that as soon as they are out of place we are essentially a different person. But there are lots of really complicated things that man has created, can't they just figure the brain out, it can't be that difficult?
I've seen programmes that look into how the chemicals, the hormaones, which your brain sits in can also affect how you think and feel, this can explain how man and women tend to think in different ways, and also why i don't seem to be in control of my thoughts for a few days every month. So it's not just the position of neurons, its the chemical composition of the soup they swim in.

Too many variables, too complicated.

This is why i admire Gareth, he has a mix of variables which i don't, and i like this fact.

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