Tuesday, 5 May 2009

N2 Eden

Perhaps reflected by my lack of posting recently, I've been very stressed and occasionally upset of late. However, one refuge from the world's worries has been our garden. Charlotte is leading the way: choosing the vegetables and salad seeds, designing the planting rows and keeping on top of the weeding. But getting involved and helping her out has been wonderful: fresh air, red faces, simple hopes of growing and tending. It's the same perverse feeling of enjoyment I get whilst ironing - brief moments of order and humility - happiness in the mundane.

The irony is that the house we bought (in Harborough) has no garden, whereas the London flat we rent has a relatively large patch. We had to come all the way to N2 to get our slice of country life. 

With any luck we'll post some photos and give garden updates on this page. I hope so.

1 comment:

Gareth/Charlotte said...

Amazing, I love you x