Friday, 6 March 2009

Me4U2? Part 1

One of my tutees is destined for a career as a music critic. Every day, he asks me for my opinion, either on a piece he has written or a new album that's come out. He's had several letters published in Q and the NME and his writing style is good, if a little critic-by-numbers. His energy and enthusiasm a) make me feel old and curmudgeonly and b) make me feel glad I chose this career.

However, it is true to say that our music tastes diverge to a considerable degree. I don't quite know how to put this: He loves U2. He brought the new U2 album in for me to listen to. U2!

So, as a professional, and as someone who certainly doesn't want to hurt my tutee's feelings, I politely declined his offer, saying "Thanks, but I think I'll check it out on Spotify."

Hopefully this weekend I'll do just that. But I'm scared, because, somehow, hating U2 is part of who I am. It's how I define myself. I once won a ticket competition to see the Manics play an exclusive gig in Cardiff. The competition was to see who could come up with the best question to ask the band in an interview. My question was: "Do you hate U2 as much as me?"

Like most other people on the planet, I own 'The Joshua Tree' and 'Achtung Baby'. I've heard their earlier stuff is even better. Could I actually like them if I gave them a chance? Famously there's a tribe of Native Americans who refuse to be photographed because they feel that each photo will strip away a part of their soul. Could the same happen to me with each track of 'No Line on the Horizon'?

What's worse is that, after hearing several radio interviews with Bono this week (R4's Front Row grilling was particularly good) it occurred to me that, despite all of the criticism and bile that's (rightly) thrown his way, he is a man who's nevertheless comfortable in his own skin. I always find that attractive in people. He's actually so arrogant and self-obsessed that he somehow comes across as humble. Is that possible? I guess it's so difficult to criticise the causes he fights for, that it somehow seems churlish to remain in the ranks of the Bonophobes.

So, am I being converted? I'll update with the verdict in Part 2 ...

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