Sunday, 29 March 2009
More Married Man
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Journal For Plague Lovers

However, I thought it might be worth noting how excited I am at the prospect of new album 'Journal For Plague Lovers', a collection of songs composed using lyrics left to the band by missing lyricist Richey Edwards almost 15 years ago.
There will be no singles released from the album, and therefore it's unlikely to be a commercial 'smash'. However, on the evidence of the only track given airplay so far (album opener 'Peeled Apples' was played by Zane Lowe on Radio 1 last night) it promises to be quite a record: dark, punchy, raw yet somehow slick at the same time.
With several major, major things going on in my life at the moment, I feel like my heart is being pulled in several different directions. Yet a new Manics record gives me a reassuring sense of clarity and purpose - I've invested so much of my personality and identity into the band (an unhealthy amount, I'm happy to concede) that, bizarrely, it's a reminder to me of who I am and what I want to achieve.
I've always felt that, at their best, the Manics simultaneously capture glory and oblivion: I'll treat those two imposters the same.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Are the 'nice' smells (mentioned above) blended perfectly so they are subtle enough not to be picked out but give it the overall stamp of 'good' air? Is it because i spent the night recycling the 'old' air in the room, continually adding to the percentage of carbon dioxide, so now the oxygen smells good? Could it be that my body has evolved to reward me for finding oxygen rich air by making it smell, to my percepton, good? This would mean that others would find the smell different, with their brains choosing a smell that they too think is good, but if compared, the smell would be completely different.
Our brains rule our perception of the world, nothing is probably viewed exactly the same by each of us, so which perception is accurate, is true? Maybe nothing is true, it's just what we perceive to be true.
The air coming through that window is divine - fact!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
The P word
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Thrill of the chase contd.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Thrill of the chase
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Me4U2? Part 2
'No Line On The Horizon' is by no means offensive to the ears in a musical sense. In fact, I had an overwhelming feeling that U2 were actually victims of their own success: as I listened, a rash of relatively new bands came to mind, who now seem able to pull off the U2 sound more convincingly than U2 themselves. For instance, opener 'No Line On The Horizon' lacked the punch of, say, similar-sounding Kings of Leon numbers, 'I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight' is schmaltzy and pompous, but somehow lacked the glorious absurdity of The Killers. Similarly, the more earnest gospel-esque tracks left me thinking 'It's been a while since I listened to Arcade Fire'.
Bizarrely, such seeming overfamiliarity with the album tracks meant that when lead-single 'Get On Your Boots' arrived (which, when I heard it on the radio, I despised) it came as a welcome relief. Ironically, this track sounds like U2 being influenced, with a hint of electro fuzz, and a heavy debt owed to 'Hail to the Thief' era Radiohead. Unlike the rest of the album, it at least portrays some sort of interest in music, rather than an interest in getting bums on seats at the Enormo-Dome. In the context of the album, it's a real shot in the arm, despite the terrible lyrics...
... which, as someone who rightly or wrongly privileges lyric writing, will always mean I cannot love U2. Each line is a compromise, each verse written with an open mind, each chorus vaguely inspiring. After 30 years of being in a band, you'd expect their words to reach beyond the awe-struck Americana of 'White As Snow' or the cod-irony of 'Stand Up Comedy'. It's all so safe, so fucking calculated.
I'll be phrasing all of this a little more diplomatically to my tutee. After all, it's not U2's fault that subsequent bands have evolved their sound; in fact, I'm sure it must be a source of pride. But as someone who was secretly hoping for a road to Damascus-style conversion, aware of the many 5 star reviews in the more 'serious' music mags, I do feel a little disappointed.